Tips for scaling digital transformation efforts globally

In many ways, scaling digital transformation to more facilities is no different than implementing a new initiative. Here are five key ways you can make scaling digital transformation tools, procedures, and methodologies to new factories quicker and easier.

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The Digital Transformation Framework for Manufacturing Executives

There are many tactical and logistical components that go into kicking off Industry 4.0 initiatives. For widespread and lasting results from digital transformation, corporate leaders must actively participate in the process. This digital transformation framework can help executives define the value of their company’s journey and set a successful launch strategy.

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Five Questions to Ask Before Digital Transformation

Planning for Industry 4.0 doesn’t have to be a painful, drawn-out process. Sometimes, the best place to start is with a few simple questions to get everyone on the same page. Here are five questions to ask yourself, your teams, and your leaders before diving into a digital transformation project.

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Managerial Courage: Planning for Industry 4.0

In this fireside chat, Xavier Riley (Head of Digital Strategy and Innovation at Standard Industries) and Laurent Laporte (CEO and Co-Founder at Braincube) share how to use managerial courage for planning and effectively executing Industry 4.0 strategies.

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