• White Papers
2min August 2, 2021 2min Aug 2, 2021
August 2, 2021 2 minute read

Ebook: Enhancing continuous improvement methodologies with Industry 4.0

Streamline your manufacturing continuous improvement efforts with Industry 4.0 tools

Continuous improvement is not a new concept in manufacturing. But even with so many methods and approaches, few manufacturers successfully implement continuous improvement practices. 

There’s a better way. 

Industry 4.0 offers a wide range of continuous improvement tools that move beyond manufacturing’s historical struggles to achieve continuous results. 

In our latest ebook, discover how these tools help you break through bottlenecks and build a company culture rooted in continuous improvement—now and in the future.

The ebook covers:

  • An overview of traditional continuous improvement methods and why manufacturers struggle to effectively leverage these methods
  • The different types of variation in manufactuing and how they impact (or hinder) continuous improvement
  • How Industry 4.0 tools, such as Braincube’s ready-to-use Advanced OI Applications, help build and reinforce a continuous improvement mindset across all teams
  • Detailed case studies from multiple manufacturing sectors using Braincube for their continuous improvement efforts, including aerospace, paper and packaging, building materials, food and beverage, tires, and more.

Download the ebook by filling out the form.

Download the ebook

Fill out this form to download our ebook on continuous improvement for manufacturing.

Five questions to ask before Industry 4.0

Planning for digital transformation doesn’t have to be a painful, drawn-out process. Sometimes, the best place to start is with a few simple questions to get everyone on the same page.

Here are five questions to ask yourself, your teams, and your leaders before diving into a digital transformation project.

Business Intelligence apps for manufacturing

The Braincube’s IIoT Platform comes with ready-to-use advanced applications that enable manufacturers to be more efficient, agile, and proactive in how they approach challenges. 

Learn more about how these out-of-the-box apps can revolutionize your continuous improvement efforts.

Case study: old and new improvement tools

A global tire company rolled out Braincube to work with—not against—their existing Six Sigma approach, which was
already a supported process at the organization.

This “level up” mindset empowered them to minimize waste by 35% on their target process, plus other benefits.