The Ripple Effect: Transform Your Entire Organization

The Ripple Effect shows examples of the ways our customers have enabled more collaboration across departments in unexpected ways. From maintenance to process engineers and corporate management, see how Braincube helps teams to democratize and share data to find new optimizations to production lines.

See the Ripple Effect

7 Ways to Make a Case for Industry 4.0 Technologies

Presenting a new tool or procedure to your management team often results in resistance, ranging from lack of funds to an unclear return on investment (ROI). Here are some helpful tips for building a convincing case for your executive team to bring an IIoT digital transformation tool to your business strategy.

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The Why, How, and What of Transformation

In this free guide, you’ll learn: what questions to ask before implementing an Industry 4.0 initiative at your company; why Industry 4.0 is different than any previous industrial revolutions; and how to launch a successful digital transformation initiative at your company.

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