industry solutions

Aerospace manufacturers

Regulation adherence and high-performing products are vital for aerospace manufacturers. Advanced digital tools help aerospace companies control costs while ensuring quality.

Our customers

Who we work with

  • Automated compliance reports

    Automated compliance reports

    Lengthy production cycles and multiple manufacturing facilities make it difficult for aerospace companies to obtain a single source of manufacturing data. In turn, it can be challenging to provide accurate production details for compliance requirements.

    Braincube’s Digital Twins follow the entire process flow for every product, serial number, or batch produced within your facilities. Improved product traceability makes it easier to report accurate production conditions to regulators and adhere to strict third-party standards for certifications.

  • Achieve optimal and consistent quality

    Achieve optimal and consistent quality

    Millions of people rely on safe, high-quality aerospace products each day. Aerospace manufacturers must stay on-spec and within budget with each production run.

    The right data—and the right production insights—ensure that aeronautics manufacturers are producing on-spec products time and time again. Braincube’s AI and ML applications help aerospace companies identify quality improvement opportunities and monitor quality specs in real time.

  • Improve environmental efficiency

    Improve environmental efficiency

    Aerospace manufacturers are at the forefront of environmental and sustainability efforts. Sustainability goals are often multi-faceted, covering a wide range of factors ranging from minimizing energy usage to reducing waste.

    With the right IIoT tools, including AI applications and advanced reporting tools, aerospace manufacturers can move the needle on both global and facility-specific sustainability goals.


Braincube’s IIoT Platform

  • Designed for aerospace manufacturing

    Designed for aerospace manufacturing

    Braincube’s IIoT tools make it possible to track and consolidate each finalized product’s blueprint across its entire manufacturing cycle. Whether you want a detailed view of a single part or a holistic view sorted by the finished products, better access to data gives teams the ability to continuously leverage traceability for cost savings.

    Our off-the-shelf manufacturing BI apps, digital twins, and other solutions are designed to make employees’ workloads easier and business results more attainable. Braincube’s solutions equip all teams with easy-to-use AI and analytics to democratize and scale value.

Aerospace case studies
    Aerospace case studies

    See what Braincube can do for you

    Turn data into actionable insights that transform operations.

    “Integrating Braincube primarily gave us the opportunity to achieve optimum and consistent quality on our production lines.”

    Christophe Joubert

    Safran Landing Systems, Industrial VP—Wheels