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4min August 10, 2022 4min Aug 10, 2022
August 10, 2022 4 minute read

IIoT: 3 critical Edge applications

Edge applications are on the rise within the IIoT space, with more and more manufacturers finding value closer to where data is generated. With low latency data, teams can make decisions faster, increasing overall efficiency. Applications are designed to make advanced functionalities available to a wider range of users within your organization rather than limit beneficial findings to just a few technical teams. 

Below are three critical Edge applications being used by some of today’s leading manufacturers. 

Counter Application

The Counter application makes it easy to monitor your production by counting good and defective parts in live time. The application also keeps track of your current production rates, making it easier to adhere to quotas. In turn, anyone on the shop floor is empowered to track production and defect rates in real-time, both on Edge and/or from the Cloud.

Braincube’s Counter Application

The app also makes it easier than ever to report on productivity. With the Counter app, you can seamlessly create a dashboard or Pareto chart to visualize your productivity levels. Customize this information to your specific needs by aggregating data by references, defects, or production goals. 

Leveraging the power of IIoT, teams can adapt the shopfloor strategy on-the-fly to improve overall output. 

The Counter app also makes it possible to identify continuous improvement opportunities. For example, managers can compare the production levels (or defect levels) between different shifts or periods of time. Teams can combine these insights with other production data to find commonalities between the most productive shifts (e.g., which team members were working during a given shift) or shifts with the most defects (e.g., overall OEE performance within the plant during those shifts).

Studio Application

The Studio application is a low-code/no-code playground for creating custom, interactive views on real-time production conditions. The Studio App allows you to autonomously build custom and interactive dashboards for a comprehensive view of real-time and/or historical production data. 

Braincube’s Studio App

You can also pull in third-party data or Cloud applications into the Studio App. This provides teams with a robust and centralized view of what’s happening in live time. Share your work with just one click for seamless cross-team collaboration. 

This powerful application utilizes widgets instead of coding, making it possible for users at all levels of the organization to build visual dashboards that bring clarity to production: anyone in the organization gains the capacity to build dashboards, plus the autonomy to make informed decisions based on data. Democratic data access opens up a wide variety of opportunities for manufacturing excellence across multiple teams. 

For example, you can gain insight into product conditions for frontline workers: for monitoring and alerting or for management with performance and reporting metrics. With endless customization, the Studio App brings value to your entire organization.

With critical information at your fingertips, accessible from anywhere, teams gain time to focus on the tasks that matter most. No more digging into different systems to pull data from multiple sources. The Studio app acts as a single, centralized portal for all IT/OT data sources, from all sites. You can also view real-time Edge data and historical data from the Cloud side by side, showing you live performance and historical trends.

If you want to work in other systems, you can export data from Studio to use within other programs. The Studio app also allows you to share insights via public dashboards and Braincube’s other collaboration apps, encouraging cross-team collaborations that accelerate holistic growth. 

Forms Application

Gone are the days of paper trails for audits, reports, and investigations. The Forms App helps you create or customize pre-configured forms to record data on the shop floor. You also have the option to link to your MES or cloud solution, making it easier to bring together information from multiple sources in one place. 

Braincube’s Forms Application

Digitalizing events can help you better prioritize and leverage Edge data streams. Track breaks, jams, or other problems in one location with the Forms app. In turn, you can maximize shared knowledge, retention, and improved visibility into your operations. 

The Forms App saves information and makes it usable in real-time by everyone, from everywhere. No more paper. No more losses or errors. No more expensive Excel licenses. Just a complete digitalization of critical information, ready for your teams.

Learn more about Edge applications for IIoT

These three pivotal applications are just a few of the many applications that Braincube has to offer manufacturers. Learn more about our applications or request a demo to see Edge apps in action. 

Learn how Decathlon, an athletics products manufacturer, leveraged Edge apps to improve operations.

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