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2min April 2, 2019 2min Apr 2, 2019
April 2, 2019 2 minute read

What if your factory made chocolate cake?

Identify Optimal Operating Settings through IIoT

When you make a chocolate cake, you always use the same recipe, same ingredients, same pan, and the same oven. 

But some days, the cake tuns out better than others. Why?

The answer lies in the following questions:

  • In what order were the ingredients added?
  • How long were they mixed?
  • How hot was the oven?
  • Did you use a wooden or metal spoon?

Braincube’s proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) takes this concept and applies it to your production data—even subtle, hard-to-see data points. With Braincube, you can repeat your best production attempt at every single attempt.

Braincube provides you with an augmented way to:

  • Reach peak performance at your plants through live operating conditions reporting and controlling 
  • Turn your raw data into useable information with ready to use Operation Intelligence (OI) apps 
  • Monitor, adapt and control your production processes based on changing KOI/KPIs 
  • Continuously collect, structure, and centralize your data via edge or cloud solutions

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