Let’s take Evotec’s
digital transformation
to the next level

Learn how top pharmaceutical companies use Braincube to make it easier to understand complex industrial data.

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At Evotec, you are likely tackling these challenges

  • Quality management

    Quality management

    Pharma manufacturers must consistently adhere to stringent quality standards. Product safety and consistency are of the utmost importance.

    Braincube’s AI and ML solutions help pharma companies identify the ideal parameters to consistently meet quality regulations. With AI technology performing complex calculations and analyses, teams can focus on making production adjustments that improve quality and move the organization forward.

  • Safety compliance

    Safety compliance

    Millions of people rely on safe, high-quality pharmaceutical products each day. Producing safe products means pharma manufacturers must stay on-spec during every production run.

    Braincube solutions help frontline teams adhere to up-to-date production standards and meet strict compliance guidelines. Automated reports simplify and streamline compliance reporting for both internal and external stakeholders.

  • Batch traceability

    Batch traceability

    Enhanced product traceability means understanding the intricate details of how pharmaceutical products are made. Visibility into exact manufacturing conditions—both live and historical—provides pharma manufacturers with a wide range of optimization opportunities.

    Best-in-class Digital Twins enable you to bring visualization to the shopfloor, optimize recipes, or reduce energy. Granular production transparency enables teams to identify impacted batches, implement corrective actions when something goes wrong, and track long-term KPIs for continuous improvement.

How Braincube can solve these problems


Uncover hidden opportunities to drive improvements in quality and overall process efficiency.


Standardize process monitoring and controls for full process visibility and improved operator compliance.


Discover how digital twins revolutionize factory decision-making, driving efficiency for forward-thinking manufacturers.

Business Solutions Advisor

Lorry Correia

As an former engineer, I’m fascinated by tomorrow’s industrial challenges. Since 2007, Braincube has been helping industrials to disrupt the way they drive their manufacturing processes. Production data is precious, and our goal is to enable manufacturers to become highly competitive by leveraging their data to its full potential.