Daily operations tool

Process and quality control

Improve shop floor performance with automated, digital production standards. Braincube’s process and quality control applications help you improve productivity through cost and variability reduction.

Whether you are looking to track compliance with SPC and production standards or have faster, more accurate responses to drifts, these apps make executing production in real-time more attainable with automated production reports. 

Process and Quality Control
Use Cases

Process and Quality Control use cases

  • Improve compliance and optimize processes

    Improve compliance and optimize processes

    With the right process and quality control tools, teams can monitor the precise settings that cause specific product outcomes—and resolve issues before they generate larger impacts.

    Aubert & Duval, a global metallurgical manufacturer, produces products that must adhere to strict aeronautics regulations. The company knew digital tools, like IIoT, could provide them with a global view of their process parameters. In turn, they could understand which (and how) individual process parameters impacted specific product characteristics. Within just a few months of using Braincube, they reduced defects on a reference product by 18% and improved compliance by 32%.

Process and quality control apps

Control Charts

Reduce process variability and avoid costly events with automatically-updated control charts. Visualizing live SPC makes it possible to react quickly to production drifts.

Live Report

Capture shop floor compliance with production standards and immediately compare the results to expectations with the Live Report app. Export reports into any system and share insights to scale successes globally.

Production Standards

The Production Standards app helps you centralize and manage all of your production standards within the Braincube IIoT Platform. Leverage personalization features to match your unique, specific business objectives.

SPC Report

The SPC Report app helps you monitor SPC statistics in real time and build automated reports from historical data. Apply and share this knowledge for improved operational performance.

See what Braincube can do for you

Turn data into actionable insights that transform operations.

“Braincube elevates what we already know about our process and gives prescriptions on how to make changes based on the most impactful parameters.”

— Team Lead, Energy Customer