Think Cubed.

Linear thinking limits performance. Braincube helps manufacturers generate multidimensional possibilities, enabling them to go beyond today’s limitations.

We help manufacturers operate at peak efficiency so that their profits, people, and the planet thrive.


IoT Braincube connects your siloed data

We start by connecting your data, from any system, in any format. Your centralized data is continuously updated and available 24/7.

Next Step: Manage

Data Management Braincube automates data cleaning, management, and manipulation

Our middleware ingests and cleans your raw data in real-time so you have actionable insights on how to reduce cost and risk, optimize, and improve quality. It automates data manipulation and calculations, which eliminates the long and costly time needed to select, extract, transfer and prepare your data.

Next Step: Improve

Product Traceability Braincube builds a perfect dynamic model of your process—from raw material to final product

Your raw data is constantly put in its context and is ready to be analyzed.

Now you have structured, contextualized data, a Digital Twin, that you can use any time, on any line, for any process.

Next Step: Transform

Digital Transformation Transform into a proactive, data-driven company

Your transformed data becomes valuable information with our 70+ OI Apps and connectors. Our plug-and-play apps help you visualize trends, analyze problems, and collaborate across departments. You’ll become more efficient, agile, and proactive in approaching your business challenges.

Use your Digital Twin to troubleshoot, innovate, perform predictive maintenance, find new revenue streams, and truly reimagine your operations.

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our solutions
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case studies
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Braincube equips manufacturers with the right data to deliver, display, and prescribe actionable insights.

Bring multidimensional value to your factory so that profits, people, and the planet can operate at peak performance.

Powering profits

Achieve any industrial use case with on-demand insights that grow profits without compromising people or the planet.

View client results

Elevating people

Equip everyone with actionable data for improving efficiency and business outcomes. It’s all of the data you have, with only the information you need.

Discover our products

Improved sustainability

Drive sustainability improvements that reduce energy, carbon emissions, and waste—without sacrificing your bottom line.

Sustainability successes

Never compromise

Braincube empowers manufacturers to transcend conventional thinking. Our collective toolset drives sustainable growth for your profits, people, and the planet.

Scale with us

Without Braincube we only have a lot of different databases with no link between one another. Braincube allows us to have a software which interrelates all of our databases together.

Data for everyone

In addition to transforming processes, we strive to make daily work easier and more fulfilling for your teams. The Braincube product suite lends itself to collaboration, seamlessly scaling your savings across departments that might otherwise work in isolation from each other.

Share best practices, new discoveries, and troubleshoot across departments so that you can seamlessly scale your savings company-wide.

Learn more about our advanced applications

Process Engineers

Fix problems, not data.

Learn more

Braincube helps you maximize your time with ready-to-use structured data and off-the-shelf enterprise apps. Use the Braincube toolset to track your KPIs, access live data, build charts in minutes, and complete short and long term studies to optimize processes.

Braincube exponentially improves your ability to be leaner, more agile, and responsive to any and all business needs.


Improve margins with responsive teams and operations.

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Make your teams more efficient with an AI powerhouse that quickly crunches big data. Braincube applications help teams be more productive and efficient.

Now, you can optimize your processes, improve product quality and reduce risk. You’ll have satisfied customers, better workflows, and empowered teams–all while lowering your margins.

Data Scientists

Multiply your efficiency with access to cleansed, structured data.

Learn more

Gone are the endless hours spent collecting, wrangling and sharing data. Braincube gives you access to contextualized data with apps for analysis, collaboration, and visualization. Open API allows you to streamline your existing workflows so you can focus on making decisions that drive progress forward.


Leverage your best performances and stay compliant.

Learn more

Braincube identifies the best operation settings by pulling out the best parameters from past runs. Now your teams can repeat your best work time and time again. Monitor and control processes from one place with your real-time Braincube Live dashboard.

Staying in compliance and monitoring vital parameters has never been easier.

Customized solutions for manufacturing

Finding the right solution can be challenging. Tell us a bit about what you're looking for and we'll show you solutions that fit your industry and goals

  • I work in
    Data Science
  • looking for
    AI / ML
  • at a
    Aeronautics and Mass Transport
Recommended for you

    Process Engineers

    Fix problems, not data.

    Braincube helps you maximize your time with ready-to-use structured data and off-the-shelf enterprise apps. Use the Braincube toolset to track your KPIs, access live data, build charts in minutes, and complete short and long term studies to optimize processes.

    Braincube exponentially improves your ability to be leaner, more agile, and responsive to any and all business needs.


    Improve margins with responsive teams and operations.

    Make your teams more efficient with an AI powerhouse that quickly crunches big data. Braincube applications help teams be more productive and efficient.

    Now, you can optimize your processes, improve product quality and reduce risk. You’ll have satisfied customers, better workflows, and empowered teams–all while lowering your margins.

    Data Scientists

    Multiply your efficiency with access to cleansed, structured data.

    Gone are the endless hours spent collecting, wrangling and sharing data. Braincube gives you access to contextualized data with apps for analysis, collaboration, and visualization. Open API allows you to streamline your existing workflows so you can focus on making decisions that drive progress forward.


    Leverage your best performances and stay compliant.

    Braincube identifies the best operation settings by pulling out the best parameters from past runs. Now your teams can repeat your best work time and time again. Monitor and control processes from one place with your real-time Braincube Live dashboard.

    Staying in compliance and monitoring vital parameters has never been easier.